Sunday, August 4, 2013

Biting the bullet

Well here it is, my jump into the weight loss blogging world.  I think I have been trying to lose weight for about 10 years at this point.  I say "think" because yes, I have been wanting to lose weight for 10 years, but when have I actually stuck to my plans, a whole lot of never.  What inspired me to finally take the plunge? I happened upon a weight loss blog where the blogger openly discussed all of her fuck ups.  As I criticized her in my head, it hit me, that was me.  Except one thing, I didn't have the balls to document my failures.  So here I am, holding myself accountable.

Here's what I plan to talk about:
--Why I am chunky and why it's taken me so long to change it
--The programs I am using to get healthy
--What I eat, healthy recipes, etc (probably more what I eat because my recipes each contain about 3 ingredients tops)

Who am I?

Well, I'm Krissie.  A 23 year old Banquet Manager from CNY.  I love life, I love my friends.  I'm in the hospitality industry, which is the only place for me.  But of course, I love to entertain.  This being so, I am always around food.  I bake with a passion and I'm actually really good at it. I was an athlete in highschool.  Was I good at it? No.  Did I enjoy it? No.  I just did it because everyone else did.

My weight loss journey

I'm not obese.  Technically I'm over weight (by BMI standards).  After becoming a big kid (yay graduation and first job) I hit my highest weight of 170 pounds.  I was working over night, long hours.  I was always tired.  I never had time to work out.  I ate like a teenage football player.  I could use every excuse in the book.  Truth is, I let myself get out of control and I was not happy.  In February of this year, I accepted a new job.  With this "fresh start" I told myself I was going to take the plunge into the weight loss world.  I joined a gym.  I got a trainer.  But did I truly commit? No.  I took days off from working out when I was lazy. If I wanted to break my diet I would just call it a cheat day.

Now here I am.  I am committed to make a change.  I am holding myself accountable.  So here's my journey.  Am I going to fail a few times? Of course.  But I will come back swinging.

Starting weight: 170
Goal weight: 140 (I am not set with this goal, simply because I have seen myself gaining muscle. So I may get to where I want to be looks wise before I drop to 140 and I am fine with that.  As they say, weight is just a number)

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