Sunday, August 4, 2013


Everything in life has to be driven by goals.  If college taught me one thing, it taught me that goals must be created to succeed, but goals must be tangible and obtainable.  Any one in the world can say, "I want to lose weight" but that is not necessarily going to get the ball rolling.  You must be specific, you must be realistic.

My goal:
I was to lose weigh to become a better person, for myself.  I want to be happy and confident in how I look and how I feel.  I want to become more organized and simply better at life.  I was to eat in a way that's going to make me feel good.  See ya never, ulcer pain.

How I am going to do it:
--Stick to my healthy eating plan.  There should be no such thing as a cheat meal or a cheat day.  Everyone messes up, sometimes craving will take over.  But I have to learn that one bad eating choice isn't an excuse to wreck the rest of the day with bad eating.
--Work out.  Hard.  Often.  I don't give myself a certain number of days a week to work out, because sometimes that's just not doable.  If I get to the gym, I need to be there for at least and hour and a half.  If my body cannot move, take the day off, otherwise, find time to get to the gym.
--Don't waste time.  Get stuff done.  Don't leave the house messy.  Stay organized.  Clean up.  An organized and clean house will lead to an organized and clean mind.

I know the last goal does not seem so weight loss driven.  Many of the reasons I am so pleasantly plump have to do with my mental health situation.  Weight loss is a total transformation.  You can't change your body if you can't change your mind.

In order to meet a goal, you have to be rewarded.  It's like giving a little kid a treat when they pee on the potty.  Blah, blah, blah, positive reinforcement.  I'm not really into it.  All that rainbows and ponies garbage, but everyone says rewarding weight loss goals works.  Let's be real, clearly I have not successful so far, so who am I to turn down a possible tool to help.

5 lbs: start getting my nails done again.  Let's be real, it will also make my hands look skinnier 
7 lbs: massage (not a big deal since I have a gift certificate that has been burning a hole in my pocket)
10lbs: new hair!! And I'm not taking the box dye kind.  I feel like after 10 lbs lost, I will actually look different, so new hair will really seal the transformation deal.
15 lbs: Shopping spree, go buy three new outfits for your hot new ass
20lbs:  I really don't know what I will do for 20 lbs lost.  To be honest, I'm not sure I will even need to lose 20 lbs before I look the way I want to.  My actual ultimate goal will be a boob job.  My boobs are my favorite part of my body and I am sure they will be much smaller by 20 lbs down.

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